Scary Teacher – Hello Neighbor


There is a new horror game online and it’s called Scary Teacher with Angry Hello Neighbor. If you go to school, you’ll be particularly excited with its concept. And even if you don’t, you can still remember your teenage years and have revenge on all the teachers that were unfair to you! Here you need to spoil the life of Miss T, a monster in a skirt who makes it unbearable for you to sit in the class waiting for the bell to rescue you from this nightmare. If you played Hello Neighbor, the gameplay will seem pretty familiar to you. Only this time your task is not to find corpses in the basement, but to figure out a way to play a few annoying pranks on Miss T while she is not at home. Do you think you have the guts to do it? Then let the adventure begin!

Miss T conveniently lives across the street, so you can watch her leave from your window and sneak in right after she disappears behind the corner. But hurry up, you don’t have a lot of time! You have to implement you agenda in just a few minutes before she comes back. You can keep track of time left by glancing at a special bar on the screen that will be gradually decreasing. It’s easy to get lost in the game and forget about everything else. But you can’t let Miss T catch you. So make sure to do the job no later than the time bar runs out!

The house has plenty of rooms where you can have fun. There are various items that you can interact with and use to set traps for the angry old lady. Sometimes you’ll understand immediately what to do and sometimes you’ll have to rake your brains searching for a solution. That brings an element of puzzle into the game and makes it even more exciting. Each room is a riddle you have to unravel and the complexity of the tasks will grow every day. Don’t give up if you can’t seem to come up with the answer at once. Just give it another try and you’ll surely figure it out!

When everything is ready, don’t waste any more second, get out of the house and wait for Miss T to come back. Once she steps over the threshold, the fun will begin! You’ll have a nice opportunity to observe everything from your room. How nice it will be to see Miss T screaming in fear, falling on the stairs and running around the room totally confused and terrified! The show will repeat every day as long as you manage to play new and new tricks on the cruel teacher. Maybe that will make her think about her own behavior and maybe not. Anyway, you are about to have an awesome time goofing off in the home, that’s for sure!

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